How can a physical therapist help improve my quality of life?
As a licensed manual physical therapist since 1981, I have have been able to help thousands of people just like you whose pain was interfering with their quality of life. Physical therapy can:
Improving Mobility and Motion:
Motion is essential to your patients' quality of life. Whether it is an everyday task such as emptying the dishwasher, a sports activity like golf, or an essential activity such as performing their job, therapy can help your patient experience improved mobility and function. Therapy also help prevent injuries and promote a healthy lifestyle by improving strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination.
Physical Therapy: A Conservative Option to Surgery:
While surgery can be the best course of treatment for certain diagnoses, there is evidence to indicate that physical therapy can offer an alternative. Considering conservative options to surgery is a hallmark of good care.
When there is a need for surgery, therapy can enhance the outcome both before and after surgery. Additionally, for those individuals whose health conditions prevent surgery from being an option, physical therapists can be invaluable in helping them improve or maintain the quality of their lives; managing pain effectively without long-term medication.
Reducing the Need for Medications:
A physical therapist can help patients control pain, often reducing the need for long-term use of medications. While recognizing that it is an essential component in the management of many acute and chronic conditions, therapy can provide an alternative to the long-term use of medications for the management of pain.